How To Earn Money With Zero INVESTMENT - Newbie Friendly

There are many ways to earn money online,this is a small method I copied from internet and use it. I've got 70$/day.

Step by step guide:

1. Create a fiverr account:

2. Set up a gig similar to this: I will get you 40 Google Plus Ones for $5 and fill out the rest of the details note: You will need the customer's url for this job.
3. Go to (owned by wkrappen on this forum awesome guy btw)

- create a free account - create 1 account for each google account that you have.
4. Go to

and register for an account.
5. Now wait till you get orders - I got my first order in like 30 mins from gig setup lol, although i seem to presell pretty nicely
6. Get the client's url and head over to:

7. Type in client's url and take a screenshot of the whole website with how many Google +1s the client had initially and save it in folder named: "BEFORE"
8. Login to and setup the client's url and earn some coins by giving others +1s.
9. When runs out of websites head over to and do the same.
10. Once job is finished, go back to

and take new screenshot and name this as: AFTER - now save both Before and after files in a rar file and send it to the client via fiverr.
11. Rinse and repeat once you get orders

TIPS from experience:
1. I once came across a client who already had his url pluged into - SOLUTION: get him the +1s from instead
2. For your first few clients you will want to overdeliver by 10 or so
3. When you've finished the websites on then login to another account with google and continue (note u will need to relogin to one of ur other accounts for this)
4. Don't be an idiot and have in ur firefox or chrome tab while u take the screenshots lol
5. When your fiverr gig dies, copy paste edit and create new gig simple.

Residual Income:
If I were you don't rely on this income alone, invest the money you make into micro niche or authority websites. There are many ebooks in the download section which teach how to make authority or micro niche sites (only thing to change with MNS is instead of crappy content, use good high quality content)

You can get a $2 domain from namecheap with coupon if you "like" their fan page, and get a 1 cent hosting at hostgator and start ur first sites. Now use the money you make on fiverr to reinvest into cheap seo jobs on fiverr itself.

You should have atleast 5-10 keyword optimized articles on your sites and follow this seo plan:

1. get 1 linkwheel from 10 web 2.0 sites for EACH article on ur site
2. get 1 AMR submission for EACH article on your site
3. get 10-20 high pr links to EACH article on your site
4. manually build some blog comments to each article everyday one at a time

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